Mississippi Preservation Resources
Preservation in Mississippi: Blog devoted to discussing all things historic preservation in Mississippi–historic buildings, places, and people. MissPres is about old buildings, not just “Grand Buildings”: schools, cotton gins, churches, courthouses, farmhouses, post offices; antebellum, postbellum, even post-WWII; well-loved places and abandoned places, and everything in between. On MissPres, we like to spend time looking at the details and minutiae of historic architecture, but we also enjoy taking a broader view of the preservation scene in Mississippi and the rest of the country.
Mississippi State Historic Preservation Office: The Historic Preservation Division works closely with individuals, state and local governments, and federal agencies to protect and preserve Mississippi’s historic structures, archaeological sites, and other places associated with our shared past. Profession staff provides technical assistance and grants for preservation projects, maintains an extensive database of the state’s archaeological sites and historic places, and manages federal project (Section 106) reviews, the Mississippi Landmark program, federal and state Rehabilitation Tax Credit programs, the Certified Local Government program, National Register of Historic Places nominations, the State Historical Marker program, and the Abandoned Cemeteries program. The division provides staff to lead architectural tours at the Mississippi State Capitol. The Historic Preservation Division is also a federally approved archaeological curation facility and works closely with federally recognized Tribes in all areas related to archaeology. Check out their Historic Resources Inventory Database.
Mississippi Heritage Trust: MHT works to save and renew places meaningful to Mississippians and their history through programs like 10 Most Endangered Historic Places in Mississippi and an annual preservation conference.
Other Preservation Resources
National Trust for Historic Preservation: The National Trust provides preservation information, education, and technical support to help people protect, enhance and enjoy the places that matter to them.