Mantel Restoration

In some cases, mantels at Lakeport were burned or severely charred by years of hard use and intense heat from the fireboxes. Where burned areas had to be removed, only enough damaged area was cut away to accept the salvaged in-kind materials necessary to bring back the original architectural interpretation. Work was done by historic craftsman Ronnie Walker using hand tools from the period when the house was built.

  • Repair of charred mantel section
  • Partial mantel repair with charred section remaining
  • Mantel with added in-kind material
  • Planing mantel to add replacement material
  • Cutting away damaged area on mantel
  • Drawing room mantel after repairs at base

Repair of charred mantel section

Partial mantel repair with charred section remaining

Mantel with added in-kind material

Planing mantel to add replacement material

Cutting away damaged area on mantel

Drawing room mantel after repairs at base