Category: News

LAKEPORT LEGACIES — Ancestral Activity: Doing African American Genealogy in Arkansas & Chicot County

Ancestral Activity: Doing African American Genealogy in Arkansas & Chicot County

presented by

Rhonda Stewart, Butler Center for Arkansas Studies

Thursday, May 28

Refreshments & Conversation @ 5:30 pm

Program @ 6:00 pm

Rhonda - 3rd grade

Ms. Stewart, pictured here in the 3rd grade, became interested in her own family’s history after hearing her grandmother’s stories about her great-grandmother.

 Rhonda Stewart, a genealogy and history specialist at the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, will discuss how to research African American family history in Arkansas. Oral histories are excellent places to start building a family history and can be confirmed with local history resources and genealogy databases available on and other websites. Part of Ms. Stewart’s presentation will focus on two examples of family history in Chicot County. The Butler Center is a department of the Central Arkansas Library System in Little Rock.

Please RSVP to this FREE Event

Lakeport Legacies (LL) meets in the Dining Room of the Lakeport Plantation house. LL, held on one of the last Thursdays of the month at the Lakeport Plantation, features a history topic from the Delta. For more information, call 870.265.6031.

Summer Hours 2015 — SATURDAY HOURS ADDED

In addition to Lakeport’s regular weekday tours, Lakeport will add Saturday hours (11 am – 3 pm) from May 23 until July 26.*

Summer Hours 2015
May 23 – July 25
Mon-Friday Tours at 10 am & 2 pm
Open Saturdays* to visitors 11 am – 3 pm
Closed Sundays
Closed Memorial Day, Monday, May 25
*Closed Independence Day, Friday, July 3** & Saturday, July 4
**Change of plans. We will be open Friday, July 3, 2015


Lakeport Plantation is open year round; summer hours add extra Saturday tours to our regular Monday through Friday schedule.

Lakeport Legacies — Images and History of Chicot County: Book Project Update

Images and History of Chicot County: Book Project Update

presented by
Dr. Blake Wintory, Lakeport Plantation

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Refreshments & Conversation @ 5:30 pm

 Program @ 6:00 pm

downtown_lake_village_ca 1920_session_coll_lakeport2

Lake Village’s downtown and lakefront around 1920, probably taken from second floor of the Tushek Building. Visible are Gaines Cafeteria along Lake Chicot and Watt Orton’s Livery Stable. (Bill and Jeanine Session Collection, Lakeport Plantation)

Lakeport Plantation is nearly finished with a pictorial history of Chicot County with Arcadia Publishing. During the past year of research, we have made some interesting discoveries, including the photograph above of downtown Lake Village. Come see, learn or share a memory about Chicot County’s history.

Please RSVP to this FREE Event

Lakeport Legacies (LL) meets in the Dining Room of the Lakeport Plantation house. LL, held on one of the last Thursdays of the month at the Lakeport Plantation, features a history topic from the Delta. For more information, call 870.265.6031.

2015 Lakeport Legacies Schedule

March 19 · Doc Hollywood: The Archaeology of Health and Healing at Hollywood Plantation · Dr. Jodi Barnes (Arkansas Archeological Survey)

April 30 · Images and History of Chicot County: Book Project Update · Dr. Blake Wintory (Lakeport Plantation)

May 28 · Ancestral Activity: Doing African American Genealogy in Arkansas & Chicot County · Rhonda Stewart (Butler Center, Central Arkansas Library System)

June 25 · Absentee Masters of the Mississippi River · Dr. Kelly Jones (Austin Peay University)

July 30 · Annie Read Reeves’ Chicot County Civil War Diary, 1861-1863 · Dr. Blake Wintory (Lakeport Plantation)

August 27 · Delta Modern (Architecture) · Jennifer Baughn (Mississippi Department of Archives and History)


Lakeport Legacies is a monthly history talk held at the Lakeport Plantation focusing on history in the Delta.  Lakeport Legacies meets on one of the last Thursdays of the spring and summer months at 5:30 p.m. with the program starting at 6:00 p.m. All events are free and open to the public. Guests are asked to RSVP. The Lakeport Plantation is located at 601 Hwy 142, Lake Village, Arkansas. For more information call 870.265.6031 or visit

Lakeport Plantation to Let Freedom Ring on April 14 at 1:00 p.m.!imagesMan0168 Freedom Poster.pdf - Google Chrome 482015 33527 PM.bmpLAKEPORT PLANTATION TO ‘LET FREEDOM RING’

Lakeport Plantation to celebrate 150th anniversary of 13th Amendment

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, the Lakeport Plantation will join the Arkansas Civil War Commission in a ringing of bells 13 times at 13:00 (1 p.m.). In 1860, Chicot County was home to 7,512 slaves; Lakeport claimed 155 that year. Lakeport is honored to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the 13th amendment abolishing slavery in Arkansas and the rest of the United States.

Tuesday, April 14, 1:00 p.m.

Lakeport Plantation, 601 Hwy 142, Lake Village, AR 71653

Everyone attending is encouraged to bring a bell to let freedom ring!

This local event is part of a statewide initiative sponsored by the Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission to celebrate this historic event.

Questions? 870.265.6031

Lakeport Legacies — March 19, 2015 — The archaeology of health and healing at Hollywood Plantation

Lakeport Legacies:

Doc Hollywood: The Archaeology of Health and Healing at Hollywood Plantation

presented by

Dr. Jodi A. Barnes, Arkansas Archeological Survey
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Refreshments & Conversation @ 5:30 pm

Program @ 6:00 pm



The Taylor House or Hollywood Plantation (now a UAM Heritage Property) was built in the 1840s as a second residence for Dr. John M. Taylor and his wife. Dr. Taylor received his medical certificate in 1841. A number of medicine bottles were recovered from the 1880s ell kitchen, yet it has been noted that Dr. Taylor never practiced medicine. In this presentation Dr. Barnes will consider whether archeological research can provide evidence of Dr. Taylor’s medical practice or insight into health and healing in southeast Arkansas more generally.

Please RSVP to this FREE Event
Lakeport Legacies (LL) meets in the Dining Room of the Lakeport Plantation house. LL, held on one of the last Thursdays of the month at the Lakeport Plantation, features a history topic from the Delta. For more information, call 870.265.6031.


Holiday Hours 2014-2015

Thanksgiving Holiday
•November 26, 2014 — Limited Hours (staff onsite only at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. for tour)
•November 27 – November 30, 2014 — Closed
•Reopening, Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas & New Year’s Day Holidays
•December 22, 2014-January 4, 2015 — Closed
•Reopening, Monday, January 5, 2015

Lakeport Legacies · UAM’s Historic Properties and Tourism in Southeast Arkansas

Lakeport Legacies: 

UAM’s Historic Properties and Tourism in Southeast Arkansas

presented by

Dr. John Kyle Day (University of Arkansas at Monticello)

Thursday, September 25, 2014
Refreshments & Conversation @ 5:30 pm
Program @ 6:00 pm
Law office of Gov. X. O. Pindall at Arkansas City and the Taylor House near Winchester are two historic properties recently acquired by UAM
The University of Arkansas at Monticello is engaged in plans to create a Southeast Arkansas Heritage Trail anchored by its three historic properties: WW II Italian POW Camp near Monticello (Drew County), the law office of Arkansas Governor Xenophon Overton Pindall in Arkansas City (Desha County), and the ca. 1846 Taylor House at the Hollywood Plantation near Winchester (Drew County). Dr. John Kyle Day, associate professor of history, will discuss the university’s plans to save, preserve, and interpret these important historic sites for students and the public.
Please RSVP to this Free Event
Lakeport Legacies (LL) meets in the Dining Room of the Lakeport Plantation house. LL, held on one of the last Thursdays of the month at the Lakeport Plantation, features a history topic from the Delta. For more information, call 870.265.6031.

Lakeport Legacies · Slave Life in Chicot County: Toil and Resistance on the River

Lakeport Legacies:
Slave Life in Chicot County: Toil and Resistance on the River 
presented by
Kelly Jones (University of Arkansas)
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Refreshments & Conversation @ 5:30 pm
Program @ 6:00 pm
Wealthy planters, like Chicot County’s Elisha Worthington, benefited from the work of the slaves they owned. Worthington, the largest slaveholder in Arkansas, owned 543 slaves and four plantations, including the Sunnyside Plantation. Photo courtesy of Annie Paden.
In the antebellum period Chicot County’s economy was dominated by slavery and cotton. The labor of slaves, who cleared vast forests and cultivated cotton, helped make Chicot County one of the wealthiest places in the Unites States. Slave life in the peculiar institution was complex; while not free, slaves developed their own culture, married, worshiped and, at times, sought the freedoms they were denied.  Kelly Jones, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Arkansas, will explore the world of slaves and slavery in Chicot County through court records, the census, newspapers and WPA narratives.
Please RSVP to this Free Event

Lakeport Legacies (LL) meets in the Dining Room of the Lakeport Plantation house. LL, held on one of the last Thursdays of the month at the Lakeport Plantation, features a history topic from the Delta. For more information, call 870.265.6031.

Lakeport Legacies Images of Chicot County: A Book Project

Lakeport Legacies:

Images of Chicot County: A Book Project

presented by
Blake Wintory, Lakeport Plantation 
LaRhonda Mangrum 

Thursday, July 31, 2014 

Refreshments & Conversation @ 5:30 pm

 Program @ 6:00 pm

Swimmers enjoying Lake Chicot, 1918. Photo Courtesy of William Alexander Percy Library, Greenville, MS.
Lakeport Plantation is starting work on a pictorial history of Chicot County with Arcadia Publishing, known for its iconic Images in America series. Chicot County has a long history rooted in agriculture, business and the communities that sprung up along the Mississippi River, grand oxbow lakes and railroads. Come see and remember the history of Chicot County through the images we are discovering. You can also help the project. We are seeking pictures of community events, businesses, historic structures, and people. Send an email or call if you have something.
All are welcome to this Free Event
Lakeport Legacies (LL) meets in the Dining Room of the Lakeport Plantation house. LL, held on one of the last Thursdays of the month at the Lakeport Plantation, features a history topic from the Delta. For more information, call 870.265.6031.